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Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

2 stoned face hantu
XinwenThePretty's home remedy...egg white mask

At the Rocks, Sydney Opera House by day

This is how they hand make candy...
From big stretch to small and chisel into small pieces

Maggie ME and the funny candymaker

This is the famous Havaianas thongs...everyone in Aus has them
[Feet: Maggie, XinwenThePretty, DestroyerLing, ME]
Look at DestroyerLing sewing, never thought I'd see the day
Her cute cow bedsheet can't fit the bed hence the scissors

Sydney Fish Market That is my tuber hands stealing sashimi from TomatoJustin

Woo hoo... check out all the delicious seafood platter...
and the tartar sauce at the side...yum yum


I want more candies >_< I don care.. ship them back please.. and while your at it throw some of the platter in =P. Could u please take a pic of tinas circumfrence... and 5 months.. thnx =)

Omg... Taylor's tar tar sauce... Never know they diversify the business. Maybe that's how they got the UTS franchise in the first place. I am now drooling at the seafood platter, bet can't find anything have as nice as that thing in the pic. Next best option might still be the Fish & Chips from Secret Recipe. Btw, nice pics, by any chance photo shopped it?

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