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Work was GOOOD...

Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

Today in a Happeee happeee mood...
Work was crap easy for the money paid today...and I had fun on top of it =D

Paid to do a lil deco work and act like a fluff of a fan girl...screaming Elvis Presley WE LOVE YOU!!! Well...the big shot of the company dressing up as Elvis anyway (I DO know Elvis is dead).

Another "actress" was paid to impersonate LaraCroft...PHOA!...again...WHOA!
She looked EXACTLY like this (without the water lar)...Asian version of course. All the Ang Moh's eyes were trained on the well defined curves... WELL ppl, use your imagination! It's not right for a female to describe another beautiful female in this way...it's not normal!

Aside from being allowed free reign on the buffet table <3 (3 rounds...HAHAHA), we were also entertained by the big shots on stage attempting a Michael Jackson dance routine. *Think lotsa middle age men...crotch grabbing...and humping actions*

I know you are wondering how all the buffet food stayed down during this "performace". But it was surprisingly side tickling...especially this Japanese guy who had the spunk to dress himself in a leopard skin bikini complimented by an Einstein wig AND completed with stripper moves. Talk about conservative culture...WAhahaha