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Interesting things...

Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

Cool thing I found at XinwenThePretty's house the first day I came
You don't have to dirty your hands to wash the dishes...
See that long white tube...you fill that with soap water...
HOW COOL IS THAT...Aussies' greatest invention

Bondi Beach

Check out JonnyKai btw DestroyerLing and my head

Rude awakening at XinwenThePretty's house, fire alarm went off at 6am
TomatoJustin had to shoo everyone out
because everyone was sleeping and ignoring the alarm
Walked down 14 flights of stairs into cold morning air
BeatRice the jinjang wanted me to take pic of the bomba truck
Firemen were pissed...no fire...this is the billionth time

The Optymistic Band playing at our Housing rooftop
(they've parties upthere every night, just diff themes)

2 soh pohs playing the drums...though can't really keep up with the band =)

Stole a Coles trolley from the roadside to transport our groceries
because so far to walk and so heavy to carry...jakun hor
We are all becoming aunties

Coogee Beach Trip Check out the amount of people on Coogee Beach

Picture of the Short Short Tall Tall

The view from a cliff in Coogee Beach

Thanks Daddy, this camera is the best!! This is going to be my wallpaper =D