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Working SARKS!!!

Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

...but I need the $money$. Let me illustrate how sucky is sucky.

Warning: Bitching session

1. Immediate boss ignores OT hours and pays flat rate, ignores us most of the time too.
- Supposedly working hours 7.30am - 9.00am and 1.00pm - 5.00pm
- Actual hours 6.30am - 7.00pm (no break)
Today is half day, suppose to end at 1.00pm, and I left for home close to 6.30pm. WTF?!

2. Boss above my boss, MAJOR BITCH (Yes without the A censor)!!!
- Spewing sarcastic comments like AK41, ignorant to the meaning of politely asking
- Me and the girls secretly wished that she would never get married (evil...but we're close to exploding...but the thought of NOT receiving our pay after shit work stopped us)

Well...there are SOME things that made it bearable.

2. There were delegates from ALL over the WORLD (Verdict: Japan boasts of the most LENGCHAIS...even our Singaporean aunty co-worker thought so)

3. Gossip galore and Interesting...erm..."uncle" events
- My friend got a Japanese uncle offering her his mobile number, she declined of course. Her exact words: "Chee sin...call Japan no need money ah..." Followed by maniacal laughter.

- And I seemed to get uncles who liked bringing me food...??? Hahaha...maybe it shows on my face. This Ang Moh uncle from the US came close to hijacking my precious KFC takeaway, which needless to say, the starving me was hoarding. Later when he ordered Pizza Hut, he actually saved me 2 slices of pizza...Damn he was making me feel guilty for being a miser. I fished out 2 packet of crackers from my handbag for him (hey I really didn't have anything else to repay him with). He called me adorable and left them on the table...AHAHAHAHAHA.

LMAO bitching session. Hmm... i never get OT.. i get UT. And get the same pay lalala.
My gosh serious bitchness though ur boss haha.But hey at least u got friends there and gossips. OH the gossips. HOw nice is that. And cute guys... from all over the place. WOW. JAPANESE!!!! hehe. It is written on our faces tuber "GLOOTONS" my boss, well sort of, said "you like eating meat.. i always see u pick the meat. U like to eat dont u? But ur still so tiny" Yes the last comment just had to be there. -_- But man ur ang mo uncle sounds fun haha. like yk likes it "making tuber wet" XD

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  • I'm SzeSin
  • From OUG, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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