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Penrith White Water Rafting

Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

We arrived so freaking early in Penrith.....
nothing to do so we decided to put our preeetttyy faces on picture.

This is the man made river we are going to raft in T_T we were like WTH??!
But when the water starts pumping...it turned into a "wooohoooo" ride with freezing water =D

Group photo at the end of the rafting session with our guide, Joel. He reckons we were the most "happening" group ever...hahaha...where I fell out and went underwater for a few minutes without surfacing...they thought tuber became mash potato.

After we changed, the very hungry ME (as usual) stole Taufu's fried mee hoon because he can't eat prawns...wee hee good for me. But I gave him my muesli bar okay?
I'm not THAT evil or greedy.

Packed and ready to go.

PS: I'm suppose to be doing DMM assignment now...hahaha

eh..i want pics too!!

btw, how does it feel like to take a 'swim' in the cold cold water? :p

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

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