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Oopps, I did it again

Searching for lingerie in malaysia?

Hahaha...now that I've told my parents about Vinh, I'm free to post ;P
This is a stooooopid picture but I think its cute =D

This is how he tried to impress me...hahaha...and I was impressed
(Vinh: You are easily impressed!!!)
Made me breakfast on my exam day so I could study.
Check out the uber deco...the rose is made out of tomato skin @_@

The chef at work on his tomato scrambled eggs.
Note the cut sleeve, and its a Hugo Boss shirt -_-",
but Hugo Boss is so cheap in Germany it doesn't matter.

The final result
See my exams notes and his laptop at the corner...we are busy ppl hahaha

Our first date at Una's (a German restaurant)
hahaha the irony is that we got together then went on our first date

We cooked this dinner together for Beatrice and Eric...
Tom Yam Mee Hoon with salad...East meets West hahaha

Chilli flowers and tomato roses...Guess who did the deco again?
Computer Science and cooking...who would've thought.

Eric, Vinh, Me and Beatrice

OMG OMG!! NO ONE TOLD ME! stupid ruttish tina. only thinks about his hamsap stuff. and sick emoticons.
I'm soo happy for u dear =). HEHE. Congratz!

ooh...congratz hahahahah got ppl actually read ur blog ahahahhaha

haur here btw..

eh.. update lah more often.. :p

hahaha....ok ok I'll update soon.

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

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