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My First Day!

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This story deserves a separate entry by itself.

How many of us on their First Day of work get to take a week or maybe 2 weeks off because their BoSs went to Jail???


The reaction I got from everyone were all similar.
~Do you still have a job?
~Is the company legal?
~You working for a Criminal!

Relax...BoSs just went to Indon to close a deal, got detained because of work permit problems. Apparently some guy who bought his "education" came up with an idea, that a social visa does not entitle you to visit business premises UNLESS you have a work permit.

Gave me a fright! Was suppose to give signed offer letter personally to BoSs last Monday. I couldn't contact BoSs by mobile. Automated Reply: This number is out of service. So I assumed he was still outstation. Asked receptionist to hand in for me.

This morning, I found out that BoSs did not come in at all for 2 weeks. Which means my offer letter is still sitting somewhere! I was thinking Sh**T...do I still have the job? I've rejected all other offers. DAMN!

Luckily BoSs's Partner came in. Explained the situation. Phew! I still get to keep my job...and saw my table too.

Ah well...more bumming for me...I hope I'm still gettin' paid though!